Monday, April 5, 2010

Month 4 Update..

Four Months down.. Maybe one or two to go.. I have to say.. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! My skin is no longer red, flaky.. I don't wear foundation anymore, and I have only had one very small pimple.. I just can't believe the difference.. It is nothing short of astonishing!!

I have uploaded a photo that I took over the weekend.. I have to say.. I'm lookin pretty good..

I still go crazy over the chapstick, and always, always, always have a tube or 20 with me.. I'm still very sun sensitive and feel very overexposed when I go outside without long sleeves on.. My arms and shoulders are very dry, thank god for CereVe.. It's the only thing that is holding me together..

I had four days off of Accutane this month, because my Derm went on Vacation.. I was a little worried and had still been dealing with the side effects of the Accutane. Within the second day the (facial) flaking stopped (and still hasn't come back), The bloody noses stopped (but have returned) My sense of smell and taste returned by the second day..and the joint soreness/stiffness was gone by the fourth day. It has also returned. I was relieved to just know that it was something that would go away quickly.. I have since somewhat lost my sense of smell and taste again.. I was only able to smell stinky feet (more like week old gym socks) If I was able to smell anything at all.. Now it has changed into the scent of something electrical burning.. It's odd to randomly smell Ozone, but it's better than stinky feet, so I'll take it!

It gave me hope that all of the symptoms went away fairly quickly when I stopped the medication it made me really happy that all of this would go away and stay away when I am finally done..

Now for another side effect that I hadn't anticipated.. Self-esteem.. We all have it, High, Low or in Between.. Mine was always pretty stable, I knew I was a smart cookie, could hold my own in conversation and relatively Okay looking.. But the Acne.. It's a self-esteem killer.. even when you look half decent, you always see people focus on certain points of your face and know that they can see what you are trying to hide.

But now?


I'm damn Hot and I know it.. I show it.. I smile more, and generally in a Fantastic mood, and when the boy says that He loves me and that I am Beautiful.. I know that he means it.. He said that I was always beautiful.. But now I feel it.. I see it in the way that I am treated at work, by people that I come into contact with during my normal day and oh, yes, by the Jaw drop that I got from an ex.. Now that was PRICELESS..

For now, I have hope, boatloads of newfound self confidence, and happiness.. Life is good..

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