Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Ever have one of those mornings where you just want to scream "God, REALLY? What else?".. Yeah, thats my today. Not that anything too dramatic happened, it's just the mood that I am in..

Birthday weekend was pretty awesome, even with the home repairs that had to happen. We managed to explode the water tank on my mom's toilet. (Don't ask) Melting Pot for Birthday dinner and Thankmas with The boy's family. It was pretty awesome..

So now, I am back at work, with my right side freezing and my left on the warmside.. Gotta love these Old military buildings.. The boiler is on, and it only knows one temperature setting (Hades Hot) so, my office mates and I have the window opened, with a fan blowing in the 18 degree chilly air to offset the 100+ that it currently is in here..

Speaking of my Office Mates.. They are pretty awesome, almost always picking on one another, practical jokes and the like, but they are best buds, and they (Chris & Kyle) made some damn awesome Chili for lunch everyone, and Chris made me Carrotcake cupcakes for my birthday.

I think that Chris has a crush on me.. He asked to go and see a movie with me.. Is that a date? I don't know.. I was hoping to just go to drinks with my co workers while the kiddos are up at the Grandparents house for the week of Christmas, I'll take the movie offer too..

I hate it when I can't tell is people are crushing... I usually read people wrong.. I hate to say I do that a lot, but I really do.. Either I notice what is not there, or I am oblivious.. again, GO ME! Don't get me wrong, I am great at sizing up a persons spirit, but if there is a remote attraction.. My sensors go all to hell..

I ordered Inglorious Basterds on Blu-Ray.. It should be here on Friday, and I was so pissed that the movie was not as well received as I had hoped! It was effing amazing!!

I was sharing a post secret book with the Mates, "Confessions on Life, Death and God"

It's a good one.. and again, I have posted a photo from the website..

Have a great week!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

First post

So, first post of a new blog.. It's like losing your virginity all over again.. hasty, unplanned, done is secret (while at work)... Maybe that last one is just for me..

So a little about me, Divorced, on the cusp of my 32nd birthday (tomorrow), single mom, working in Government, living it up in Colorado.. Dating, and have a steady, who is amazing!! Dating in your 30's is a trip to say the least, and I am blessed to have a guy that loves me and the kids.

Now I realize that My life may not be all that different from yours, or all that less Ordinary.. but damn it, it's mine and I want to reach folks, and let them know how I feel what I think and how I think we could all make justthismuch of a difference.

So, take your little pointer, clicker, mouse whatever, and go to some of the sites that I direct you to.. Really, It's worth it.

First off.. http://www.postsecret.com/ I love Frank Warren for all that he has done for this project. Whatever your secret, your hope, your fear, you are not alone.. Mine was featured just this week.. I was a little shocked to see it up there.. But happy that it could possibly let someone else know that they are not alone.. I have uploaded one so you can see what I am talking about..

FYI- The image I uploaded, means a lot to me.. Because I have given up pleasing everyone else in my life.. It's about time that I started living for the ones that are the most important to me.. Friends, family & Fans..

Live boldly