Sunday, April 10, 2011

fast and furious writing

I have been bitten my the writing bug.. Either that or my muse has just returned from a rather lengthy vacation.

The point is, I have churned out 12 ideas for childrens books, five new poems, four adult readers, two full outlines and one completed childrens book in four days. I even had a great idea presented to me during a nap.

It's probably because I have been pretty happy for the last couple of weeks.. Either that or it was simply a stress response from the latest budget crisis.. Regardless of the genesis of the lastest creative spurt, I am glad for it.

I have been thinking quite a bit about the disparities between the ability to write about the things that we desire and the ability to speak them to the people that we need to speak them to. I can recognize that I have not always lent voice to the emotions that I feel so keenly. I am working on this. Life is too short and Happiness too fleeting to not share it with the ones that give us joy, to those we love.

As Always, with Love,
